• Remember to vote on November 5, 2024!  


    Referendum Renewal Information


    Looking for where to vote?

    You can visit https://indianavoters.in.gov/  for more  information and click on the "Find Your Polling Place" button. 

    LS 01: Polk School / Boys & Girls Club (2460 Vermillion Street | Lake Station, IN)
    LS 02: Polk School / Boys & Girls Club (2460 Vermillion Street | Lake Station, IN)
    LS 03: Polk School / Boys & Girls Club (2460 Vermillion Street | Lake Station, IN)
    LS 04: Lake STation Fire Department #1 (1876 Fairview Avenue | Lake Station, IN)
    LS 05: Lake STation Fire Department #1 (1876 Fairview Avenue | Lake Station, IN)
    LS 06: Lake County Public Library (2007 Central Avenue | Lake Station, IN)
    LS 07: Lake STation Fire Department #1 (1876 Fairview Avenue | Lake Station, IN)
    LS 08: Community Presbyterian Church (2800 Fayette Street | Lake Station, IN)
    LS 09: Hobart Twp Community Center (3107 E 35th Avenue | Hobart IN)
    LS 11: Hobart Twp Community Center (3107 E 35th Avenue | Hobart IN)
    LS 13: Edison High School (3304 Parkside Avenue  | Lake Station, IN)

    Referendum Vote

    Informational Meeting: 

    Join us to discuss the facts of the 2024 Referendum Renewal Question on the November 5, 2024 Ballot.  


    Did You Know

    Renewal Overview

    On November 5, 2024, residents residing within the Lake Station Community Schools district will have the opportunity to continue their investment in our schools, students and our community by voting on a renewal of an operating referendum that the voters supported in 2017.

    In July of 2024, the Board of Trustees approved a resolution that formally approved the district’s Revenue Spending Plan (see details below) and initiated the process required to place the renewal of the 2017 operation referendum on the November ballot.

    If the referendum renewal is supported by local residents, the estimated $1.3 million in annual revenue raised will be used to retain and attract high quality educators, transportation, technology programs, and bolster safety and security at all our schools.

    The proposed referendum renewal will remain at a rate of $0.54 per $100 of assessed value (not market value) and will not result in a tax rate increase on the School Property Tax Levy portion of your property tax. Your property taxes will not increase if the renewal is approved by the community. In fact, the school district was able to pay down on its debt in 2023 resulting in a lowering of your tax rate for schools.  Your tax rate dropped from $1.16 to $0.82 cents


    Circuit Breaker Impact

    Since 2019, our schools have lost more than $7,444,917.95 due to uncollected tax money due to the circuit breaker.  Circuit breaker is a cap on property taxes. Anything owed above the cap is unpaid property taxes.  The current referendum approved in 2017 helps to make up for this, and we are asking to continue the referendum at the same amount that was asked for and voters approved in 2017.  No increase. 


    Lake Station is not alone in seeking a referendum. 14 districts across Lake and Porter county currently have a referendum in place to assist with the cost of education their students. Some districts have multiple referendums in place.

    14 Districts currently have referendum in NWI