Math Fact Practice
Switch to: | Addition | Subtraction | Multiplication | Division |
- First Grade Goal: Master Addition Facts
- Second Grade Goal: Maintain mastery of Addition & Now Master Subtraction Facts
- Third Grade Goal: Maintain mastery of Addition & Subtraction & Now Master Multiplication Facts
- Fourth Grade Goal: Maintain mastery of Addition, Subtraction, & Multiplication Facts & Now Master Division Facts
- Fifth Grade Goal: Maintain mastery of All Facts
Fun Ways to study:
- Flash cards
- Practice time tests
- Interactive Websites
- Oral quizzes (randomly ask your child addition questions while in the car, while cooking dinner, while on a walk)
- Board games (before anyone can roll/spin/go in the board game you must first solve a fact)
- Make your own flash cards
- Make & Play a memory game (match a card with the problem to the card with the answer)
- Practice the ones you haven't mastered yet on a whiteboard/chalkboard/paper
- "Write" problems and answers with fingers in shaving cream, sand, playdough, etc
Anymore suggestions for fun activities or interactive games/websites?
Share with us: Contact Kathy Brown: kbrown@lakes.k12.in.us - First Grade Goal: Master Addition Facts