Title ITitle I is the largest federal assistance program for our nation’s schools. All Lake Station Community Schools are fortunate to receive funds for Title I. The goal of Title I is a high quality education for every child, so the program provides extra help to students who need it most. These are children who are having difficulty meeting the Indiana State Academic standards for their grade level.
The Title I Program encourages parent involvement. Parents influence their child’s education more than any teacher or school. The program needs parents help to:
- Determine program goals
- Plan and carry out programs
- Evaluate programs
- Work with their children at home
With help from parents, our elementary schools have developed:
- A Parent/School Compact -This states the goals and responsibilities of parents, teachers, and student
- A Parent Involvement Policy - This helps parents understand and take part in the school’s efforts. The schools need continued help and support from parents to review and revise these documents to be sure they reflect our needs.
Title I Programs at Bailey Elementary School & Hamilton Elementary School:
Students in grades K-5 receive 30 minutes of reading interventions five days a week. This helps students master important reading skills. Students are grouped by specific reading skills they need to practice.
Students in grades 1-5 receive 30 minutes of Math/ELA success review five days a week. Students are grouped by specific math/ELA skills they need to practice based on our 8-Step Instructional/Success cycles.Title I Programs at Edison:
Selected students in grades 6-7-8 receive reading remediation.
After school tutoring is available for grades K-12.
Contact your building principal for more information.
Title I Staff
Hamilton Elementary School Title I Facilitator:Bailey Elementary School Title I Facilitator:Jessie Kammer
219-962-1302Edison Jr. Sr. High School Reading Remediation Teacher:Susan Webb
swebb@lakes.k12.in.usElementary Reading SpeciliastRebecca ColeBailey: 219-962-1302Hamilton: 219-962-1824