• RETURNING Student Registration for 2024-2025
    WHEN: Open until August 3, 2024

    WHERE: Online - See 2 steps below. 

    WHO: Registration for all returning students (grades 1-12). Returning students are those students that attended Lake Station Community Schools during the 2023-2024 school year and were not expelled. 

    Helpful Info:

    Help Button

    Need Help:
    Contact student tech support by email: studenttechsupport@lakes.k12.in.us
    Contact the Office of the Superintendent by phone: (219)962-1159. Summer hours for the Office of the Superintendent are: 8:00am-3:00pm.  
    View the Border Map if you are not sure which elementary school your child would attend.

    check clipart

    Fee Payments: You will not make a fee payment during Online Registration. 
    emergency clipart Emergency Contacts x2: It is very important when you provide emergency contacts, that you are providing the name of two adults other than the guardians. These are who we will contact in the event of an emergency, if we are unable to contact the guardians first. 
    Emails: We send information home electronically often. Please ensure you provide a valid email for at least one guardian. If your email or phone number changes during the school year, please notify the school office or request the change through Skyward.

    Drivers license clipart


    Proof of Residency: 
    Proof of residency can be submitted digitally through the Skyward Registration process, or you can bring it to the school before August 31. You can also bring it in when we open computer labs (see below) in August for onsite registration. School offices will re-open August 2.  
    You will only be asked to provide proof of residency for your child if:
    1. The student has had an address change. 
    2. The student is entering 6th grade or 9th grade. 


    If you do not have a device to use for registration:
    A computer lab at Edison Jr. Sr. High School will be open on 8/1/2024 and 8/2/2024 from 1:00pm-6:00pm. Enter through Door A. A Spanish translator will be available both days.  You can also use the public computers at the Lake Station Public Library, located at 2007 Central Avenue.

    Out-of-District Note: If you live out-of-district, please fill out the Out-of-District Enrollment Request first. Do not fill out any other steps, unless you have received approval by the district first.

    Technology Tip: Online registration is most easily completed on a Chromebook, desktop computer or tablet. The larger screen makes it easier to view all information and fill out the necessary forms. When you register, maximize your internet browser screen to ensure you can see all available buttons.

    Reg Step 1

    Register your Student with Skyward Family Access Forms:
    Fill out forms in the Skyward Family Access Portal by clicking on "RETURNING Students Online Registration" in the Skyward left navigation menu. You will need your parent/guardian Skyward username and password to access this.


    Reg Step 2

    Complete Free/Reduced Curricular Materials Application: 
    This step will become available early July. Breakfast and lunch will be provided at no cost for all LSCS students in the 2024-2025 school year. However, in order to be considered for textbook free or reduced assistance (and possibly other educational benefits), you must complete this form each year.  It is highly encouraged to complete this form as it provides additional benefits for you and the district, such as grants, program funding, textbook assistance and more.

    This form becomes available in early July. 
    Please ensure you complete it. 
    English Form   |   Spanish Form

    If you do not have a printer, you can pick up a form from the schools. Only 1 form needs to be filled out per family. Turn in the form to the
    main office. They will forward it to the Food Service Department for processing. Please contact the LSCS Food Service Department with any questions.  



    Additional Helpful Information for Registering Families:

    • Optional health forms: these are available for children with other health conditions. These forms must be printed and turned into the Nurse.

    • School Supply Lists: view your child's supply list - these are items that will be needed in the school year. 



    If you do not have access to a device: 
    1. You can use the school computer lab at Edison Jr. Sr. High School on 8/1/2024 or 8/2/2024 from 1:00pm-6:00pm. Enter through Door A at Edison Jr. Sr. High School, located at 3304 Parkside Avenue. A spanish translater will be available both days. 
    2. You can also use the public computers at the Lake Station Public Library, located at 2007 Central Avenue.