• Bailey Elementary School Library
    Librarian: Pam Robb
    Students attend Library classes once a week. 
    • Kindergarten students do not check out books.
    • First grade students check out one book per week.
    • Grades 2-5 are able to check out 2 books per week. 


    Checking Out Books

    • Students must return their books after one week or they may renew their books if they have not finished reading them. 
    • Please bring books back to the library even if you are renewing them. They need to be scanned in the computer so late notices will not be printed. 


    Damaged Books

    • If books are damaged or lost, the student will be charged a replacement fee depending on the cost of the book.
    • All fees must be paid by the end of the school year. 
    • If students lose or damange more that 2 books, they will not be allowed to check out more books until the replacement fees are paid. 
    • Please keep books in a safe place when not reading them.

    Kindergarten students are learning basic library skills and rules so they will be ready to check books out next year!
    No matter what the age of your child, reading is the key to succeed!
    Happy Reading!
    Mrs. Robb
Last Modified on Friday at 3:35 PM