Name: Julie MillsGrade:
5th Room #: 9
Number: (219) 962-1824
Welcome to the fifth grade! My name is Julie Mills and I will be your teacher this year.I am so excited to begin my fifth year of teaching here at Lake Station, and I want your fifth grade year to be a wonderful experience. Please keep in mind that this is a brief summary of my classroom procedures and rules, and I will explain more to the students during class time, as well as send home a packet for parents to read over and sign.
Rules and Expectations: As for my expectations, I expect the students to be respectful, be responsible, always do their best, and to think for themselves.
Classroom Management: Each student will be rewarded tickets throughout the week for turning homework in on time, good behavior, helping others, classroom jobs, consistently on time, and great effort on a quiz or test. The students can then use these tickets to purchase things such as yoga ball, desk bump, and comfy toes to name a few.I will also be putting marbles in my Purdue Bucket when the students as a class work together to meet classroom expectations. As the Purdue Bucket gets filled, the whole class can earn extra recess, double ticket day, and even a movie!
Homework: Students will be given time in class to complete any homework, and must be taken home to finish if not done in class. So, if your child says on a regular basis that he/she has no homework, this means he/she is being productive in class.
Late Work: Assignments not turned in the next day can be turned in the next day. However, 10% will be taken off of final grade. Assignments will not be accepted more than one day late and will be a zero in the grade book. If there is a valid reason why your child's homework isn't done, please contact me and I will work with you. I have to hear from you and not your child.
Projects: Throughout the year, your child will have to do projects. Unlike classwork/homework, your child will receive 10% off the final grade for any late projects.
Teacher/Home Communication: When your child comes home, please look in their folder for any graded papers or important information. The students will also be bringing home their agenda book every day where you can find what the homework is for the day, important information such as upcoming tests/quizzes, as well as their behavior and notes from me. The agenda books must be filled out every day by the student and signed by the parent. If you have questions you can call me at school at (219) 962-1824, or you can email me at Please do not hesitate to contact me. We are here to work together for the success of your child.
Dojo: Through text messaging, you can receive classroom assignments for the day and important reminders.
Birthday treats: Birthday treats are welcomed and will be enjoyed at the end of the day or during the students' lunch period. If you are bringing in cupcakes, please only bring the bite size ones in. Please nothing with peanuts due to food allergies.