The ABCs of Room 2- Everything you will need to know about your child’s class.
- Absences - I cannot express the importance of your child’s attendance. We have a lot going on in the classroom; your child can miss quite a bit by being gone for a few days. However, if your child has a fever or is vomiting, please keep him/her home until you feel they are not contagious to the other students. It is the responsibility of the parent/guardian to notify the school by phone no later than 9:00 a.m. when your child will be absent. If your child is absent for three (3) consecutive days a doctor's note is required.
A written excuse signed by the parent and giving the reason for absence is required for all students upon their return. Notes should include:
- Name of student
- Grade and teacher
- Exact nature of illness or other reason for student absences
- Date of absence
- Parent or guardian's signature
The following shall be considered valid reasons for student absences:
- Personal illness
- Death in the immediate family
- Quarantine
- Court attendance required by legal authorities
- Dental and Medical appointments (must be arranged in advance)
- Religious holidays
- Agendas- We will write in your child's agenda every day. We will write the new sight words for the week on Monday. They will be assigned homework every day, which will be written in the agenda. Your child's color will also be written in for the day. Please make sure you sign and return the agenda every single day. If you have any questions you can always write them in the agenda. If I have any concerns I will also write you a note in the agenda as well. Therefore, it is IMPORTANT that you look at and sign the agenda DAILY.
- Arrival- In order to ensure that your child has a great start to their day please make sure that your child arrives to school on time.
Your child is allowed to be dropped off beginning at 8:10am at Door I (located on the side of the building). Door I will be closed at approximately 8:30am. If you arrive and the door isn't open you must go to the front doors and walk your child in the building and to the office.
If your child wants breakfast I recommend that you bring your child to school by 8:15am.
If your child doesn't want breakfast they can still arrive at 8:10am or you can drop them off at school BEFORE 8:40am. They MUST BE in the room by 8:40am in order to not be considered tardy.
- Backpacks- Please make sure you check your child's backpack every single day. Please also make sure that your child's backpack is cleaned out every single day. If they have a full backpack this makes it extremely difficult for them to pack up at the end of the day. Please also make sure that your child doesn't bring any unnecessary items to school (toys, electronics, candy, phones, etc.)
- Bathroom Breaks- We will have designated bathroom breaks during the school day. I do not allow the children to go to the bathroom during instructional time unless it is an absolute emergency. Any other time the students are allowed to use the bathroom as long as they ask for permission. Since I have only one bathroom the students will be required to wash their hands at the sink outside of the bathroom.
- Birthdays- I am pleased that your child wants to share his or her birthday with their classmates! To ensure that everyone has a pleasant experience with birthdays, I would like to mention a couple of guidelines related to birthday celebrations.
Birthday Parties- If your child is inviting EVERYONE in the class, birthday party invitations may be brought to school. If your child is inviting ALL the girls OR ALL the boys in the class, this is also acceptable. However, if EVERYONE in the class is not invited, please mail invitations from home to protect the delicate feelings of our students!
Birthday Treats- Although not necessary, birthday treats are welcome in class if you would like to send them on your child’s birthday (weekend birthdays can be celebrated on Friday or Monday surrounding the birthday). Again, please provide enough for all of our students and please be courtesy of common allergies. All birthday treats MUST be store bought.
Summer/Before School Birthdays- Summer/Before School birthdays will have special designated days to celebrate, which we refer to as their "unbirthday" (closer to the end of the school year). We will probably have one day for each summer birthday. You will be notified in advance of the date chosen for your child to celebrate his/her birthday.
- Book Orders- Each month your child will receive a Scholastic Book Order Form. This provides you the opportunity to buy a lot of great books at a cheap price. In addition, every purchase allows us to earn points so I can purchase books for our classroom. It's a great way to add to your home library as well as our classroom library!
You can register at http://www.scholastic.com/parents/
Our class code is: JBL62
- Breakfast- If your child needs to eat breakfast at school they MUST arrive by 8:15am. Breakfast is free for the 2023-2024 school year. If you are wanting to add money to your child’s account you will have to create an account at mymealtime.com
- Change of Clothes- We are in Kindergarten and accidents do happen! As a result, I prefer that you leave an extra pair of clothes in your child's backpack (pants, shorts, shirt, underwear, socks). If your child has an accident we have to send them down to the nurse. They will have to sit down there until you can arrive with a change of clothes for them. As a result, they are left sitting in dirty clothes for quite awhile (which I know has to be uncomfortable!). In addition, your child is missing out on valuable class time. Therefore, please just leave an extra change of clothes in your child's backpack. If an accident occurs we will write a note in your child's agenda so you know to replace the clothes.
- Chromebooks- Your child will be given a Chromebook at the beginning of the school year. Please have your child bring their Chromebook every day to school. The Chromebook must be charged BEFORE being sent to school.
- Class Dojo- In order to ensure that we can communicate effectively I am asking that parents sign up for Class Dojo. This will also be used as a classroom reward/discipline system as well.
- Communication- It is very important to me that as parent(s) and teacher we communicate as much as possible in order to ensure that your child has a successful year. If you have any questions, comments or concerns PLEASE DON'T HESITATE to contact me! Please understand that I have limited phone access during the day; therefore, the best way to contact me would be through Class Dojo since I can check it periodically throughout the day. Note: Anything that deals with transportation changes PLEASE CONTACT THE OFFICE IMMEDIATELY!
- Contact Information-Please note the following information:
Bailey School Office- 219-962-1302 ext. 6102
Hours- 7:30- 3:30
Mrs. Yorek's email address: syorek@lakes.k12.in.us
If any child in the school is bothering your child, please let me know. As your child’s teacher I am here to look after them and keep them safe. I will make sure that no one in the school bullies your child or makes them feel uncomfortable. You can also refer to the Parent/Student Handbook.
- Discipline- In order to monitor the children’s behavior in my classroom I use what is called the “red light system”. If your child doesn’t follow the rules and procedures of my classroom and the school the following consequences will take place. We will be going over these in the classroom, but I would appreciate it if you went over them with your child at home as well.
Green- Each child starts the day on green and if they behave and follow the rules and procedures of the school and classroom they can end the day on green as well.
Yellow- If your child has to move his or her name to yellow this means that he has received a warning and they will lose 5 minutes of their free time or recess time. During this time your child is required to sit at the table with his or her head down in silence.
Red- If your child has to move his or her name to red this means that your child will lose 10 minutes of their free time or recess time. During this time your child is required to sit at the table with his or her head down in silence.
Blue- If your child has to move his or her name to blue this means that your child will lose all of their recess. You will be notified by either a note or a phone call from me.
- 1st discipline referral- Just sent home to inform parent of a behavior concern
- 2nd discipline referral- A call home will be made and/or a conference will be scheduled to discuss the behavior concerns
- 3rd discipline referral- The child will be sent to the principal’s office
Once your child is on a color they will NOT be allowed to move their color back up to a certain color. For instance, if your child is on yellow they MAY NOT move back to green.
A few other things that I have a zero-tolerance policy for in my classroom are as followed:
- Violent Behavior and Threats (hitting, kicking, pinching, biting, etc.)
- Name Calling/Teasing
- Laughing at children when they gave a wrong answer or made a mistake (we all make mistakes- it’s part of the learning process!)
- Dismissal- We begin lining up in our bus lines at approximately 3:00pm. If you have a transportation change PLEASE call as soon as possible. Dismissal is an extremely busy time for both teachers and the office staff. I can't guarantee that if you call at the end of the day that your child will get home the way you would like for the day. So please call ASAP in order to ensure that we can get your child home safe and sound!
Bus Riders- If your child rides the bus they will get in their bus line in the hallway. Once their bus number is called one of the teachers will escort that specific bus.
Car Riders/Walkers- You will receive a car rider number and will wait in the car rider line to pick up your child. We continue to dismiss until 3:25pm. If you are not on time to pick up your child you will have to go into the office to pick up your child.
- Dress Code- The school dress code must be followed. Purchase boots, coats, mittens/gloves, and hats that your child can put on and take off without assistance. Please refer to the Parent/Student Handbook for the Dress Code policy.
- Emergency Information- In the beginning of the year, you were asked to provide emergency names and numbers in case of an emergency arising at school. Please make sure the office has this information and that it gets updated immediately when things change.
- Early Dismissal- Wednesday is early dismissal- The car riders will be dismissed at 2:15pm.
- Expectations-Mrs. Yorek’s Class Expectations
Follow the Classroom Rules (displayed in the classroom)
- Listen when others are talking.
- Follow directions
- Keep hands, feet, and objects to yourself.
- Work quietly and do not disturb others.
- Show respect for school and personal property.
- Work and play in a safe manner.
Be a Good Listener (displayed in the classroom)
- Eyes on speaker
- Ears listening
- Hands to yourself
- Mouth quiet
- Feet still
- Brain thinking
Classroom Work Expectations:
- Do your personal best every day. I promise to give everything I can and only ask the same from you and your child as well.
- When the children are completing their centers they are required to be quiet during this time.
- Work should be done neatly or they will have to re-do their work.
Homework Expectations:
- Assignments will be sent home in the Take Home/Homework Folder and written in their agendas
- Students are required to turn in all work on time.
- PLEASE HAVE YOUR CHILD WRITE THEIR NAME ON THE HOMEWORK. If there is no name then your child will receive a zero for that homework assignment.
- All work is expected to be completed, even if it is late or missing. If the homework assignment is missing please write me a note and I will send home another sheet.
- If there is an emergency and your child CANNOT complete the assigned homework, please contact me.
- Parents should check over homework each night. I do not expect your child’s homework to be perfect, as it is used as an opportunity for them to learn, but I do ask that you check the work to correct messy or incomplete assignments.
- Please study the star/sight words and letter names and sounds with your child every single night as well. I would recommend getting index cards and make flash cards for your child.
Rug Time Expectations:
- While we are on the rug students will need to be Good Listeners.
- Students should be sitting with their legs crossed and hands in their lap. If a student wishes to answer a question and/or share information with the class they must raise their hand and wait to be called on.
- Students should follow along, pay attention and participate as well.
Bathroom Expectations:
We will have designated bathroom breaks during the school day. I do not allow the children to go to the bathroom during instructional time unless it is an absolute emergency. Any other time the students are allowed to use the bathroom as long as they ask for permission. Since I have only one bathroom the students will be required to wash their hands at the sink outside of the bathroom.
- Folders-Each student will have a Take Home/Homework Folder. This folder is to be taken home every night and returned to school the following day. Please remove all of the items that are in the folder on a daily basis. Any other items (e.g. permission slips, notes that need to be signed, book orders, etc.) should be returned by the date that is stated on the paper. Once again, we look in the folders daily but we DO NOT look through the backpacks so please make sure all notes or papers are IN the folder. NOTE: If your folder is lost or damaged throughout the year, I will ask that you replace it with another folder at your own expense.
- Free Time-Free time is scheduled every day. After your child has completed their tasks they are allowed to have free time. Even though I do designate time for them to play the amount of time they have to play depends solely on when they complete their work. If your child completes all of their tasks and they meet my expectations they are allowed to go to free time. If I receive sloppy work or your child has completed the assignment wrong then they will be required to do it over until it’s done correctly. Free time is something that is earned in my classroom, not required. If your child fails to finish their tasks for that specific day then they will be sent home to be finished and should be returned the following day.
- G.A.I.N. Time- We have a 45 minute period every day for small group time called "G.A.I.N.". During this time your child is placed in a small group to work on important reading and math skills. This is an extremely important part of our day; therefore, your child isn't allowed to use the bathroom (unless it is an emergency).
- Grading Policy-
Report Cards-
E- Exceeds Expectations
S- Satisfactory
N- Needs Improvement
Checking Papers in the Classroom
Smiley Face/Star- Good Job
Check Mark- Checked but not completed correctly (Please look over these papers with your child)
- Gym-Your child will be required to participate in gym. Please make sure that they wear the proper shoes on our gym day.
- Homework Folder- Once again, Please check your child's homework folder every night and return it to school every day. This is where we will place important information.
- Homework- Homework will be written in your child's agenda every day. Please make sure you check and sign their agenda every day. Homework will be assigned in order to provide your child with more practice of the skills that we have been working on at school. Most of the time homework doesn't require any paper/pencil work; however, there may be times where we will provide a worksheet. For instance, if I write "practice beginning sounds" you can easily just have a list of words and read them to your child and have them tell you the beginning sound. Homework shouldn't take more than 10 minutes to complete. In addition to the homework written in their agenda they are expected to do the following EVERY night!
Practice sight words and letter names/sounds. Even if your child has shown that they have mastered the sight words and/or letter/name sounds continue to do them every night! I have seen numerous times children who have mastered these skills and then only lose them because they don't practice.
If you have any questions or unsure about some of the homework assignments please don't hesitate to contact me.
- Illnesses- Students who do not feel well often do not retain what they are learning or perform at their normal level of potential, no matter how hard they try. Your child's health is extremely important in order for optimum learning to take place. If your child is ill, please keep him/her home until he/she is feeling better.
- Jump Start- We have Kindergarten Jump Start prior to the beginning of the school year. This is a time for you to come to the classroom with your child. This also allows your child to see how the basics of school will be done before the first day (eating lunch and breakfast, walking in the hallways, etc.). This will definitely help with those children that might be a little fearful of attending school. As a result, I strongly encourage you and your child to attend our Jump Start Program.
- Kindergarten Success- Kindergarten has gone through a lot of changes through the years. There are a lot more expectations and requirements. Our job is to make your child succeed and make them feel successful! Here are some ways to help ensure that your child has a successful year-
- Read to (and with) your child every day.
- Engage in conversations with your child.
- Make sure he/she completes the homework and puts it in the Take Home/Homework folder ready for school.
- If there appears to be a problem at school, please contact me (email, phone call, note, etc.). I will respond as quickly as possible.
- Please make sure that your child comes to school on time every day unless he/she is ill or has a doctor’s appointment.
- Encourage your child to do his/her best every day.
- Please be prompt in returning any notes.
- Library-Your child will attend library once a week; however, they will not be checking out books.
- Lunch- Our lunch is the same time every day. Lunch is free for the 2023-2024 School Year. Once again, if you are wanting to add money to your child’s account you will have to create an account at mymealtime.com
- Money-If you are sending money I ask that you put it in a sealed envelope and write down my name on the envelope and what the money is for along with the amount that was put in the envelope. DON’T PUT MONEY IN BACKPACKS.
- Names-Please practice with your child writing and recognizing their first and last name. In addition, please make sure your child's name is on ANY paperwork you send back to school.
- Notes-Please send any notes in your child’s Take Home/Homework Folder or pin it on your child. DON’T PUT NOTES IN BACKPACKS. You may also write any notes in your child's agenda. School notes and newsletters are sent home often with reminders and important dates. Please be prompt about returning any notes.
- Newsletters- Newsletters are sent home every week. The newsletters will include the skills and concepts that your child will be focusing on for the week, along with important dates or notes.
- Outdoor Recess-Your child will be going out for recess each day weather permitting. Please make sure your child is dressed appropriately for the weather. It is best NOT to wear dresses and/or skirts. If your child does wear a skirt and/or dress please make sure that they have shorts or something underneath.
- Parties-We will have the following parties during the year:
Fall Party
Christmas Party
Valentine Card Exchange (No Party just passing out cards)
- Quiet Times-Your child will be required to work quietly and independently at times. This is in order to ensure that they can finish their work quickly so that way they can have time to play.
- Rewards- In our classroom we try to give the children opportunities to be rewarded for their behavior. I use Class Dojo and reward the children with Dojo Points for good behavior. At the end of the month, the children are allowed to “cash” in these points for a reward of their choice. We also keep track of our classroom total for a whole class reward as well.
- Snack-Due to the long school day we will have snack every day. I am asking that at the beginning of the month when I send out a reminder that all parents send in a large bag that can be shared with the entire class.
- Supplies- Thank you to all of the parents who have sent in supplies needed for a successful year. Please remember that some items we may have to replenish throughout the year. A note will be sent home stating what items we will need. Thank you ahead of time for your cooperation in this matter.
- Transportation Changes-I MUST have a note if your child is going home in a way different than usual. Please pin a note to your child, put a note in your child’s Take Home/Homework Folder or Agenda, or you can call the office. Please remember that you must call ASAP in order to ensure that the message gets to me.
A few other notes about transportation changes
-If you want your child to take a different bus you MUST get this approved by the Superintendent's office prior to letting me know. This is in order to ensure that there is enough space on the bus.
-If you want your child to get off of the bus with another family please let their bus driver know.
- Understanding-I understand that things happen that might prevent your child from completing his/her homework. Please let me know if something has happened that has prevented your child from completing his/her work, and I will be more than happy to give you extra time.
- Unfinished Work- If your child has unfinished work from the day I will attach a note and a reason why the work wasn't finished. The note needs to be signed and the work completed and returned the following day.
- Volunteers- I am always looking for volunteers for our classroom. Volunteers can come in and help by reading with students, copying papers, laminating and cutting out games, working with a small group, etc. If you are unable to come into the classroom we can also use your help outside of the classroom as well! If you are interested please let me know so we can figure out how you can help!
- Work- We will have a lot of work to do in Kindergarten. As always, your child is always expected to do their VERY best work! This means coloring in the lines, writing nice and neat, etc. Please remember any messy/sloppy work will have to be re-done!
- eXciting Year- This year will be a VERY exciting year for your child. I cannot wait to see how much your child grows and learns this year in Kindergarten. I am looking forward to the memories that we will make together, and hope that your child feels safe and successful every day he/she comes to school. It's going to be a GREAT year and I hope that your child and your family are just as eXcited as I am!
- You- As a parent, YOU are a very important part of your child's success! It is very important that you and I work together as a team to help your child do his/her VERY best.
ZZZzzzZZZzzz- Please make sure your child gets plenty of rest! We have a lot of learning to do in Kindergarten this year!