1. Transportation Changes- I MUST have a note if your child is going home in a way different than usual. Please pin a note to your child, put a note in your child’s Take Home/Homework Folder or email me. Note: Car Riders will NOT be dismissed until after the buses have left the parking lot. The only exception to this will be on early dismissal days.
2. Absences Procedures- I cannot express the importance of your child’s attendance. We have a lot going on in the classroom; your child can miss quite a bit by being gone for a few days. However, if your child has a fever or is vomiting, please keep him/her home until you feel they are not contagious to the other students. It is the responsibility of the parent/guardian to notify the school by phone no later than 10:00 a.m. when your child will be absent.
a. A written excuse signed by the parent and giving the reason for absence is required for all students upon their return. Notes should include:
1. Name of student
2. Grade and teacher
3. Exact nature of illness or other reason for student absences
4. Date of absence
5. Parent or guardian's signature
b. The following shall be considered valid reasons for students absences:
1. Personal illness
2. Death in the immediate family
3. Quarantine
4. Court attendance required by legal authorities
5. Dental and Medical appointments (must be arranged in advance)
6. Religious holidays
Notes/Money- Please send any notes and/or money in your child’s Take Home/Homework Folder or pin it on your child. DON’T PUT NOTES/MONEY IN BACKPACKS. If you are sending money I ask that you put it in a sealed envelope and write down my name on the envelope and what the money is for. School notes and newsletters are sent home often with reminders and important dates. Please be prompt about returning any notes.
Snack- Due to the long school day we will have snack every day. I am asking that at the beginning of the month when I send out a reminder that all parents send in a large bag that can be shared with the entire class.
Recess- Your child will be going out for recess each day weather permitting. Please make sure your child is dressed appropriately for the weather. It is best NOT to wear dresses and/or skirts. If your child does wear a skirt and/or dress please make sure that they have shorts or something underneath.
Early Dismissal- Wednesday is early dismissal- The children will be dismissed at 2:15pm.
Homework- Your child will have homework. Please see the Homework Expectations. The homework should be completed the night it was given and placed back into the folder so I can receive it the following day. We look in the folders daily but we do not look through the backpacks.
Library- Your child will attend library once a week; however, they will not be checking out books.
Gym- Your child will be required to participate in gym. Please make sure that they wear the proper shoes on our gym day.
Breakfast- If your child needs to eat breakfast at school they MUST arrive by 8:15am.
Folders- I am providing each student with a Take Home/Homework Folder. This folder is to be taken home every night and returned to school the following day. Please remove all of the items that are in the folder on a daily basis. Any other items (e.g. permission slips, notes that need to be signed, book orders, etc.) should be returned by the date that is stated on the paper. Once again, we look in the folders daily but we DO NOT look through the backpacks so please make sure all notes or papers are IN the folder. NOTE: If your folder is lost or damaged throughout the year, I will ask that you replace it with another folder at your own expense.
Dress Code- The school dress code must be followed. Purchase boots, coats, mittens/gloves, and hats that your child can put on and take off without assistance.
Contact Information- Please note the following information:
· Bailey School Office- 219-962-1302
o Hours- 7:30-3:30
· Mrs. Yorek’s email address: syorek@lakes.k12.in.us
If any child in the school is bothering your child, please let me know. As your child’s teacher I am here to look after them and keep them safe. I will make sure that no one in the school bullies your child or makes them feel uncomfortable.
Ways to help ensure that your child has a successful year-
1. Read to your child every day.
2. Engage in conversations with your child.
3. Make sure he/she completes the homework and puts it in the Take Home/Homework folder ready for school.
4. If there appears to be a problem at school, please contact me (email, phone call, note, etc.). I will respond as quickly as possible.
5. Please make sure that your child comes to school on time every day unless he/she is ill or has a doctor’s appointment.
6. Encourage your child to do his/her best every day.
7. Please be prompt in returning any notes.