Name: Miss Funk
Subject: 6th Grade Science/MathClassroom: 111Email: Mfunk@lakes.k12.in.usExtension: 8111Cell Phone: 219-225-6212 (Please feel free to text me any time.)Check out Skyward! It is an easy website we use so that you can monitor grades, missing assignments and attendance. You can also sign up for alerts through Skyward!
Supply List (Science)
- 1 - 2 pocket folder (for Science ONLY)
- Pencils (to last throughout the school year)
- Highlighters (to last throughout the school year)
- 1-ear buds that plug into their Chromebooks (They will leave them in my classroom and get them back at the end of the school year.)
Miss Funk’s Classroom Guidelines
Science Grade 6 2024-2025
Basic Classroom Rules:
- Be respectful! 2. Be responsible! 3. Be safe!
Specific Classroom Rules/Expected Behavior:
- Students need to bring their Chromebooks to class every day.
- Students should be completely in the classroom when the bell rings, otherwise considered tardy.
- Students should remain quietly in their seat, unless they raise their hand and are called upon or ask permission to get up from their seat. Being a good listener of not just me, but of their peers is very important!
- ***Students need use their class time wisely. When Classwork is given during class, students need to use that time to complete their work. Any work not completed in class, will be expected to be done as homework and is due the next day. Homework should be turned in at the beginning of the next day’s class period or it will be counted as late.
- Late assignments will have 50% of the points taken off automatically.
- Cellphones, tablets, air pods, personal lap tops etc. are not allowed in class. If it is visible, it will be taken away from the student until the end of the school day and an office referral will be written.
- Failure to follow these classroom rules may result in an office referral.
Supplies to bring everyday:
1 – Science folder
(This folder is to be used ONLY for MATH.)
1- pencil
(We do NOT use pen!)
- Highlighter
(any color)
****Students can bring in a box of tissues or a pack of highlighters for extra credit by Friday, September 6th!!
Passes: Passes are given out at my discretion. It is crucial that students get as much instructional time as possible. Students get 2 bathroom passes per class period per grading period. A student should only be gone from class for no longer than 5 minutes or an office referral may be written. If a student needs to go somewhere, they must leave their cell phone in my classroom in order to go.
Absent Work:
If a student is absent, they can complete their work on Google Classroom. If the assignment is not online, I will give an additional day to complete the assignment. I have all notes and assignments that are due in a hanging folder labeled by each day and class period. It will be the STUDENT’S responsibility to collect, complete, and turn in the assignment. If I do not receive it, the grade will be a zero. (Remember late work will have 50% of the points taken off automatically.)
Assignments may be due at the end of class or the following day, depending on the assignment. Work that can be taken home should be turned in the following day at the beginning of class otherwise it will be considered late.
**A late assignment will have 50% taken off of their score for that assignment. Study Guides will not be accepted late and are worth many points! Assignments will also not be accepted once we have taken a quiz/test and moved on to the next topic.
Keeping communication with your teacher, especially if you cannot come to school for multiple days, is very important! Please make sure your student checks their school email often and keep in contact with your teachers.
Supply List (Math)
- 1 - 2 pocket folder (for MATH ONLY)
- Pencils (to last throughout the school year)
- Highlighters (to last throughout the school year)
Miss Funk’s Classroom Guidelines
Math Grade 6 2024-2025
Basic Classroom Rules:
- Be respectful! 2. Be responsible! 3. Be safe!
Specific Classroom Rules/Expected Behavior:
- Students need to bring their Chromebooks to class every day.
- Students should be completely in the classroom when the bell rings, otherwise considered tardy.
- Students should remain quietly in their seat, unless they raise their hand and are called upon or ask permission to get up from their seat. Being a good listener of not just me, but of their peers is very important!
- ***Students need use their class time wisely. When Classwork is given during class, students need to use that time to complete their work. Any work not completed in class, will be expected to be done as homework and is due the next day. Homework should be turned in at the beginning of the next day’s class period or it will be counted as late.
- Late assignments will have 50% of the points taken off automatically.
- Cellphones, tablets, air pods, personal lap tops etc. are not allowed in class. If it is visible, it will be taken away from the student until the end of the school day and an office referral will be written.
- Failure to follow these classroom rules may result in an office referral.
Supplies to bring everyday:
1 – Math folder
(This folder is to be used ONLY for MATH.)
1- pencil
(We do NOT use pen!)
- Highlighter
(any color)
****Students can bring in a box of tissues or a pack of highlighters for extra credit by Friday, September 6th!!
Passes: Passes are given out at my discretion. It is crucial that students get as much instructional time as possible. Students get 2 bathroom passes per class period per grading period. A student should only be gone from class for no longer than 5 minutes or an office referral may be written. If a student needs to go somewhere, they must leave their cell phone in my classroom in order to go.
Absent Work:
If a student is absent, they can complete their work on Google Classroom. If the assignment is not online, I will give an additional day to complete the assignment. I have all notes and assignments that are due in a hanging folder labeled by each day and class period. It will be the STUDENT’S responsibility to collect, complete, and turn in the assignment. If I do not receive it, the grade will be a zero. (Remember late work will have 50% of the points taken off automatically.)
Assignments may be due at the end of class or the following day, depending on the assignment. Work that can be taken home should be turned in the following day at the beginning of class otherwise it will be considered late.
**A late assignment will have 50% taken off of their score for that assignment. Study Guides will not be accepted late and are worth many points! Assignments will also not be accepted once we have taken a quiz/test and moved on to the next topic.
Keeping communication with your teacher, especially if you cannot come to school for multiple days, is very important! Please make sure your student checks their school email often and keep in contact with your teachers.