• Name: Ms. Godby
    Subject: Family & Consumer Science
    Classroom: 131
    Email: dgodby@lakes.k12.in.us
    Extension:  8131

    Classroom Rules:
    1. Come to Class On Time
    2. Be Ready To Learn
    3. Sit In Assigned Seats
    4. Listen and Follow Directions
    5. Raise Your Hand To Speak
    6. Be Respectful of Others
    7. Ask Questions
    8. Always Do Your Best
    9. Understand that you may not get something on the first try. Failure is acceptable, Giving up and not trying again is not.
    10. Try New Things
    11. Believe In Yourself
    12. Work Hard and Have Fun
    13. No Profanity Allowed

    High School Classes Will Have Additional Rules To Follow

    Supply List:
    Pencils or Pens
    Tissues (We always need more tissues)

    Check Skyward to monitor Grades, Missing Assignments, and Attendance!

    Feel free to email me at any time! dgodby@lakes.k12.in.us If you wish to have an in-person or phone call meeting about your children, please send me an email first so we can schedule a time that works for the both of us! I don't want to rush through any meetings because I know your children are important to you and their success is important to me as well! Let's work together to make sure your kids have the best experience possible in the classroom!