LakeStation Community School Corporation (LSCSC) has a responsibility to ensure thesafety, health, and well-being of students, faculty, andstaff.  LSCSC believes thatdrug and alcohol abuse in the school presents a substantive threat to safety,health and well-being, as well as jeopardizes the quality and the efficiency ofour educational programs. LSCSC will implement a Random Student Drug Testing Policyalong with Reasonable Suspicion guidelines with the goal of providing ahealthy, safe, and secure drug-free learning environment for all students,faculty, and staff.




    Theprimary purpose of the Random Student Drug Testing Policy is to educate ourstudents, and is not intended to be disciplinary or punitive in nature. Thistesting program is intended as an integral component of the overall LSCSCeducation process in an effort to direct students away from drug and alcoholabuse and toward a healthy, safe, and drug free life. Its purpose is intendedas a diagnostic aid in discovering possible drug and alcohol related problemsand as an extension of our education programs. A student who has consumedalcohol or drugs is considered to present a REAL and SUBSTANTIAL THREAT tohis/her own health and safety, and to the safety of others, especially withinthe educational environment of our schools and school activities.


    1.Extra-curricular / co-curricular activities are an important aspect of theeducational process. Student safety, and the safety of others, must takeprecedence. Drugs or alcohol may mask the pain of injury causing theparticipant to over exert his/her body. Drugs or alcohol may reduce one’s motorcoordination, or alter one’s mood to such a degree that participating inactivities is unsafe for the individual as well as those around them. LSCSCrequires that a student participating in extra-curricular / co-curricularactivities remain alcohol and drug free for the safety of themselves and otherstudents, faculty, staff and our community.


    2.Many students choose to drive to and from school and school related activities.Operating a motor vehicle after having consumed alcohol or drugs is illegal andcan prove to be fatal not only to the impaired operator, but passengers andbystanders as well. LSCSC requires that a student driving to school remainalcohol and drug free for the safety of themselves and other students, faculty,staff and our community.


    TheGoals of the Random Student Drug Testing Policy are to:

    • identify a student with alcohol or drugs present in his/her body
    • provide notification to the custodial parent/guardian
    • educate, assist, and direct students away from drug and alcohol use and toward healthy, safe and drug-free participation in activities leading toward a healthy lifestyle



    IndianaCode 20-8.1-7 sets health measures to be governed by school officials. Most specifically,Indiana Code 20-8.1-7-2 establishes the responsibility of schools to assist childrenfound to be ill or in need of treatment.




    Everystudent in grades 7-12 intending to take part in any extra-curricular/co-curricularactivity or driving to school must sign and submit the LSCSC consent form toparticipate in the Random Student Drug Testing Policy. Theextra-curricular/co-curricular activity programs are an integral part of theLSCSC student experience. It is a privilege offered tostudents and necessitates that students meet the high standards set by theLSCSC. Driving to school is also a privilege granted tostudents under conditions that include operating the vehicle in a safe andlegal manner.  If selected, studentsshall submit to the LSCSC testing process or privileges will be revoked.


    Whodoes the policy include?

    • Students who drive to school
    • Student athletes
    • Students who participate in extracurricular/co-curricular activities
    • Any other student whose parents wish to enroll them in the program


    Eachyear, 6th grade students will be provided with an educational program toprepare them for participating in the Random Student Drug Testing Policy whenthey enter the 7th grade at Edison Jr-Sr High School.


    Extra-curricular/co-curricularactivities include, but are not limited to, the following:

    1.     All school sanctioned athletics

    2.     Band, Choir, and Drama

    3.     All co-curricular and extra-curricularacademic teams

    4.     National Honor Society, Student Council,Class Officers

    5.     Cheerleaders

    6.     Homecoming and Prom Court Candidates

    7.     Extended and/or Overnight Field Trips

    8.     Any other clubs not listed above






    1.     Enrollment for the drug testing poolmust be completed within the first five days of the current school year.


    2.     Once enrolled in the LSCSC RandomStudent Drug Testing Policy, the student will remain enrolled for the durationof their time at LSCSC.


    3.     Current or future student drivers mustbe enrolled in the pool before they receive a parking permit.

    EXAMPLE:A student who receives his/her driving license in the spring must enroll in theLake Station Community Schools Drug and Alcohol Random Testing Program duringthe initial enrollment period. He/She must be in the testing pool for theentire school year.


    4.     All forms for new students at LSCSC willbe signed during the enrollment procedure. New students must decide to enrollin the program within five school days of registration.


    5.     Enrollment in the pool after thedeadline will be allowed with a negative test furnished at the parent/studentexpense. Testing is performed by North Shore Health Clinic, located at EdisonJr-Sr High School. The expense is approximately $35 dollars.


    EXAMPLE:A student who is not enrolled but wishes to join an activity after the initialenrollment period must furnish a negative test at parent/student expense. Thestudent will remain enrolled in the LSCSC Random Student Drug Testing Program.


    Self-Reporting.Any student who self-reports for use/abuse in violation of applicable schooldrug/alcohol policies will be referred to an alcohol and drug abuse program atthe expense of the parent.  Documentationof enrollment and/or ongoing treatment in a certified counseling program andsuccessful completion must be presented to the building principal. Refusal tofollow the above procedure will be treated as a first offense/positive test.  The next offense or positive test will countas a second offense/positive test. 




    Thedrug testing may include urinalysis tests, saliva screening and/or breathalyzerto determine if the Student Code of Conduct has been violated. LSCSC will alsosee that:

    • Testing is administered randomly
    • Tests will produce consistently reliable results
    • The privacy of students is protected during the collection of the sample and disclosure of the test results


    Testresults will not become a part of the student’s permanent record. Testinformation will not be disclosed to law enforcement authorities unlesssubpoenaed in a legal proceeding. In the event that LSCSC is legally requiredto release the information, the student and his/her parents will be notifiedbefore the response is made.


    A.   Students will be assigned a number atthe beginning of the school year.  Ontesting days, central administration will provide the building administration alist of random numbers for testing. These students will be released from their class and escorted to thedesignated area by a building administrator/designee.


    B.    Persons selected to be tested will havetheir numbers put back into the pool for the random tests in subsequent weeks.

    EXAMPLE: A single individual could betested each and every testing period if their number is selected.


    C.    A chemical test of the student’s breath,saliva and/or urine will be conducted at the discretion of LSCSC.


    D.   Students will be given a three hourwindow to provide a urine sample for testing. If the student is unable to provide a urine sample, testing staff willinitiate obtaining a sample using an alternate collection method. 


    E.    Any attempt or effort by any student toalter a urine sample that has been or will be submitted for drug testing willbe subject to suspension and/or recommendation for expulsion.  This includes possession of chemicalsidentified as agents known to invalidate such tests. 


    Refusals.A refusal to provide a specimen is a violation of the Random Student DrugTesting Policy and will result in the same consequences as a second positivetest. A decision of the testing staff as to whether the student is unable or isrefusing to provide a specimen may be appealed to the building principal andthat decision may be appealed to the LSCSC Superintendent. The decision of the LSCSCSuperintendent shall be final.


    The drugs that could be included but notlimited to in the screening process:

    1. Amphetamines
    2. Barbiturates
    3. Benzodiazepines
    4. Cocaine
    5. Opiates
    6. Phencyclidine (PCP)
    7. Cannabinoids
    8. Ethanol (Alcohol)
    9. Cotinine (Nicotine Metabolite)
    10. LSD
    11. Anabolic Steroids
    12. K2 Spice and/or Synthetic Cannabinoids


    In addition to testing for drugs, LSCSCwill also test each sample for Creatinine. Creatinine is a chemical that is ineveryone’s body. It is a way to tell if a sample is “normal” or if the personhas tried to dilute his/her sample by drinking a large amount of fluid. LSCSC reservesthe right to retest an individual who produces a specimen with a Creatininelevel of less than 0.2. (mg/ml).




    Arecord of all testing will be kept in a file separate from each students’school records.  This file will be destroyedafter graduation. 


    TheLSCSC administration will contact the parents and review the test result.  Consequences for a positive test result willbe applied.




    No individualshall be expelled or suspended from school as a result of a positive test fromthe Random Student Drug Testing Policy. No policy enforcement shall occur untilthe administration has had a conference with the parents/guardians of thestudent. 



    • Exclusion from participation in extra-curricular/co-curricular activities, and driving privileges for 30 consecutive calendar days. Involvement in activities over the summer will be at the discretion of the sponsor. Furthermore, any exclusion not completed prior to the end of the school year will carry over to the beginning of the next school year.
    • Enter a school recommended drug treatment/counseling program at parent/student expense.
    • Return to participation in extra-curricular/co-curricular activities and reinstatement of driving privileges upon completion of all the following requirements:
      • Successfully completing a drug treatment/counseling program and shown to be non-dependent.
      • Negative drug screening test at parent/student expense.
      • Time requirement is completed.


    • Positive result from cotinine and nicotine metabolite will not result in loss of privileges for those 18 years of age or older. However, parents will be notified of positive test.



    • Exclusion from participation in extra-curricular/co-curricular activities, and driving privileges for 365 calendar days. Exclusion will be carried over from one school year to the next. 
    • Enter a school recommended drug treatment/counseling program at parent/student expense.
    • Return to participation in extra-curricular/co-curricular activities and reinstatement of driving privileges upon completion of all the following requirements:
      • Successfully completing a drug treatment/counseling program and shown to be non-dependent.
      • Negative drug screening test at parent/student expense.
      • Time requirement is completed.


    • Positive result from cotinine and nicotine metabolite will not result in loss of privileges for those 18 years of age or older. However, parents will be notified of positive test.



    • Exclusion from participation in extra-curricular/co-curricular activities and driving privileges for the remaining time they are a student in LSCSC


    • Any student who is under the penalty for the third violation of the substance abuse policy may request a review after 2 years by a committee composed of administration and guidance counselors. The student will present just cause for reinstatement. The decision of the committee must be a majority vote for reinstatement to occur. Students who are reinstated will submit to testing for drugs, alcohol, and nicotine at their personal expense. If a positive test is obtained, the student will be banned from extra-curricular/co-curricular activities and driving for the remainder of their school career.


    • Positive result from cotinine and nicotine metabolite will not result in loss of privileges for those 18 years of age or older. However, parents will be notified of positive test.


    Studentswho transfer to another school district while under the exclusionary period andthen return to LSCSC MUSTfulfill any remaining requirements of that exclusionary period.




    1.      Underthis policy, LSCSC will pay for all random drug tests. Any “follow-up” drugtest due to a positive result will be paid for by the student or his/herparent/guardian.

    2.      Onappeal of a “positive” urine specimen, further testing is the financialresponsibility of the student or his/her parent/guardian.

    3.      Counselingand subsequent treatment by non-school agencies is the financial responsibilityof the student or his/her parent/guardian.




    Under this drugtesting program, any staff, coach or sponsor of LSCSC who may have knowledge ofthe results of a drug test will not divulge to anyone the results of the testor the disposition of the student involved, other than in the case of a legalsubpoena being made upon that person in the course of a legal investigation. Thiswill underscore the LSCSC commitment to confidentiality with regards to theprogram.


    Theimplementation of this program will not affect the policies, practices, orrights of the Lake Station Community Schools in dealing with drug and alcoholuse where ‘reasonablesuspicion’ is obtained by means other than the random samplingprovided within this program.





    LSCSC isauthorized to require any student to submit to a chemical test of the student’sbreath, saliva or urine if the administration has “reasonable suspicion” (asdefined below) that the student is using or is under the influence of alcohol,marijuana, or any other illegal substance or look alike drug (as defined byIndiana law) while:


    • On school grounds immediately before, during, and immediately after school hours and at any other time when a school group is using the school.


    • Off school grounds at a school activity, function or event; or


    • Traveling to or from school or a school activity, function or event.


    Reasonablesuspicion may be established by the following:


    ·        A student’s behavior, in conjunctionwith physical appearance and/or odor, indicates the possible use of alcohol,marijuana or any controlled substance.


    ·        The student possesses drugparaphernalia, alcohol, marijuana or any controlled substance.


    ·        Information communicated to anadministrator by a teacher, parent, law enforcement personnel, other adult, ora student indicating a student is using, possessing, or under the influence ofalcohol, marijuana, or any other illegal substance. Any such report will beinvestigated by the administration and will be substantiated by otherindicators including social media (Facebook, Twitter, texting, etc.), if deemednecessary.


    A student’srefusal to submit to the chemical test will result in the administrationproceeding as if the test were positive. If a parent or guardian refuses to allow the test to be administered tohis/her child, a disciplinary action will be recommended as if the test werepositive.




    If a student istested for ‘reasonable suspicion’ and tests positive for any substance forwhich the test is designed to screen, that student will be considered to be inviolation of the LSCS rules and Board Policy against illegal drug use.  The student will be disciplined in accordancewith the guidelines established in the LSCSC Discipline Code and Board Policy.






    TheBoard of School Trustees of the Lake Station Community Schools declare asschool board policy that the only two general grounds for a suspension orexpulsion are student misconduct and substantial disobedience.  Examples of student misconduct andsubstantial disobedience as found in the student handbook include, but are notlimited to:


    1. Knowingly possessing, using, transmitting any substance which he/she represents to be a narcotic drug (look-alike drug), hallucinogenic drug, amphetamine, barbiturate, marijuana, alcoholic beverage, stimulant, depressant, or intoxicant of any kind.


    1. Engaging in the unlawful selling of narcotics or other violation of the criminal law, which constitutes and interference with school purposes.


    1. No student may possess or use any substance which the student has reason to believe is or which has been represented to her/him as a narcotic drug, hallucinogenic drug, amphetamine, barbiturate, marijuana, alcoholic beverage, stimulant, depressant, or intoxicant of any kind.


    1. Students are prohibited from possessing, using, transmitting, or being under the influence of caffeine-based pills, substances containing phenylpropanolamine (PPA), or stimulants of any kind be they available with or without a prescription.


    The followingconduct is criminal under Indiana Code (IC 35-48-1) and school officials arerequired to report such conduct - on school grounds, or within 1000 feet ofschool grounds - in writing to a law enforcement officer.


    1. Knowingly or intentionally manufacturing or delivering cocaine, a narcotic drug, or other controlled substances including marijuana, hash oil, or hashish; or possessing with intent to manufacture or deliver, the above named substances, including marijuana, hash oil, or hashish.


    1. Knowingly or intentionally delivering any substance that is represented to be a controlled substance.


    1. Knowingly or intentionally manufacturing, advertising, distributing, or possessing with intent to manufacture, advertise, or distribute a controlled substance.


    1. Knowingly or intentionally possessing a controlled substance.


    1. Knowingly or intentionally creating or delivering a counterfeit substance or possessing, with intent to deliver, a counterfeit substance.


    1. Knowingly possessing, without a valid prescription, cocaine or a narcotic drug.


    1. Knowingly possessing, without a valid prescription, a controlled substance, except marijuana or hashish.


    1. Knowingly or intentionally manufacturing, designing, keeping for sale, offering for sale, delivering, or possessing an instrument, device, or other object that is intended to be used primarily for introducing a controlled substance into the human body, testing the strength, effectiveness or purity of a controlled substance, or enhancing the effect of a controlled substance.


    1. Knowingly or intentionally manufacturing or delivering, or possessing, with intent to manufacture or deliver, marijuana, hash oil or hashish.


    1. Knowingly or intentionally possessing marijuana, hash oil, or hashish.


    (Violation of any partof this policy will result in a ten day out of school suspension and arecommendation for expulsion).