    policies and procedures title



    § Edison Library is open for use during school hours.


    General Rules

    § Sign in at the circulation desk when you arrive – indicate your time in, teacher you’re from, and purpose for visiting in the library. Sign your time out when you leave.

    § You must have a purpose for visiting the library, such as reading, working, or researching. Unacceptable purposes include sleeping, hanging out, or spacing out. If you are not being productive, you will be asked to leave.

    § No food, drink, or gum in the library.

    § The librarian is eager to help you! Please do not hesitate to ask for assistance. J



    § Each student must have a pass from a teacher to use the library. Students without passes – whether it’s during class or a passing period – will not be admitted. Substitute teachers should not send students to the library. The library faculty cannot write passes.



    § Computers are to be used for academic purposes only. All printing must also be school-related. Computers may not be used for games, e-mail, or social networking sites (Facebook, etc.). There are computers at the public library.


    Book Checkout / Loan Period

    § At Edison, one book may be checked out at a time. Books circulate for two-week periods. Bring books to the librarian’s desk for checkout, and a card indicating the date due will be placed in the pocket in the back of the book. Books can be renewed as long as there is no request for the book. Reference materials and periodicals may not be checked out.  Unless a permission slip has been returned to Edison Library, students in grades 6-8 may only check out books denoted MG or MG+ by arbookfind.com.


    Library Behavior

    § While in the library – and always – respect yourself, others, library materials, furniture, and equipment. Use polite speech and body language. Each student should present positive character traits and follow the lifelong guidelines as discussed in the student agenda book. Please be very gentle with our books – we want them to last a long time! Do not go up the back steps or into any of the library rooms without permission. Follow any directions given by library faculty.  If you are uncooperative, you may be sent back to class, lose your library privilege, and/or receive a referral.


    Although silent libraries are a thing of the past, the library should still remain relatively quiet. Students working in groups should keep their voices low and stay focused on their assignment. Please inform library faculty if you are unable to concentrate due to noise level.


Last Modified on February 27, 2018