INSPIRE– “Indiana’s Virtual Library” provides access to many different databases. Indiana residents can use INSPIRE from schoolor the public library. It is also freeto access from home once you’ve registered.>Search for articles on any topic.
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>Information from INSPIRE is very easy to cite! -
Promoting critical thinking, education, andinformed citizenship by presenting controversial issues in a straightforward,nonpartisan, primarily pro-con format. -
“Allthe knowledge you need” – includes atlas, almanac, dictionary, and encyclopedia. -
>Click on “Reference”>Recommended: “ContemporaryMusicians,” “Encyclopedia of Drugs, Alcohol, and Addictive Behavior,” and “OxfordDictionary of Art” -
Kids Click
Thiswebsite was created by librarians, and its links are organized by topic. -
Surfingthe Net with Kids has a directory of helpful website reviews organized by topic. -
Accredited Online Colleges
Comprehensive and informative resource that ranks eachuniversity in America by size, degrees offered, tuition costs, admission rates,graduation rates, and retention rates. -
Discover Business Degrees
The guides and resources cover the following subjects:
- List of Best Value Business Degrees
- SAT Preparation Resource
- ACT Preparation Resource
- List of Business Degree Scholarships
- Best Value Accounting Degrees
Last Modified on October 26, 2018